Petrol-OTI-Terminal L.L.C.

The main activity of the company is the trade in petroleum products in the territory of Kosovo.

Basic information

Responsible person

Anton Figek

Activities of the company

In  December  2020,  Petrol  d.d.,  Ljubljana  completed  a  transaction  selling  its  share  in  the company Petrol OTI Slovenija L.L.C. to another company member, thus leaving the ownership structure of the company. Petrol d.d., Ljubljana, bought a 100 percent interest in Petrol-OTI- Terminal L.L.C. from Petrol OTI Slovenija L.L.C.  
The company’s equity totalled EUR 8.6 million as at 31 December 2022.


Petrol-OTI-Terminal L.L.C.

Fushë Kosovë, Zona Industriale