Latitude: 45.9530272
Longitude: 13.69107053
Work hours
every workday
06:00 - 21:00
06:00 - 21:00
Sundays and holidays
08:00 - 20:00
Vehicle fuels
Q Max 95
1.523 €/L
Q Max 100
1.742 €/L
0.909 €/L
Q Max Diesel
1.581 €/L
Vehicle services
- Vacuum cleaner
Purchases and services
- Wi-Fi
- Cash terminal for sports bets
- Gas in cylinders
The fuel prices listed on the website are for information purposes only. The only valid prices are those listed on the pumping device at the service station. Considering the above, we assume no liability for the veracity of information on the website, and recommend that customers check the price listed on the specific service station before making a purchase.