
At Petrol, we handle waste in a comprehensive manner, consistently comply with the hierarchy of waste management. This affects not only environmental protection but also business economics.

We also place a significant emphasis on prevention of waste generation and separation of waste at their origin. We are implementing the system of waste separation at their origin at all Petrol locations. We separately collect waste oil, waste paper, waste plastics, waste batteries and other dangerous waste. We have containers for separate waste collection at all our service stations. Where there is still a lot of generated mixed municipal waste, we are implementing additional manual sorting. We thus reduce the amount of mixed municipal waste and generate cleaner fractions of waste.

Our goal is to reduce the amount of mixed municipal waste by waste separation, optimisation of number of containers, and appropriate marking at individual location, and to prevent external visitors at rest stop location from disposing of waste such as animal remains, diapers, pieces of furniture, etc.

Fractions of waste generated from cleaning oil separators are collected separately.

Packaging Management
Due to the diversity of the sales products, Petrol manages a wide range of packaging. Sustainable management strives to reduce the consumption of primary packaging materials, composite and non-recyclable materials.
We have selected service packaging as a priority segment for sustainable transformation. The need for faster change is dictated by legislation which limits single-use plastics and increases required packaging waste management targets, as well as customers who are increasingly considering sustainable consumption aspects. Petrol Group is committed to changing the behaviour patterns of consumers and other business entities by acting as an example,
while giving buyers the opportunity to take sustainable actions in the course of their purchases. With this attitude, Petrol Group systematically lowers its carbon footprint, while also strengthening its competitive position in the market and reputation. In the sustainable transformation of Petrol's service packaging, we primarily consider the primary packaging that is used to serve customers food and drink right at the point of sale or so that they can take it on the go. Petrol ensures the freshness of the products and by choosing packaging materials we will, in the future, use materials that are harmless to health, maintain the integrity of food and drink and have the most favourable LCA.

Good Circular Economy Practices
At Vevče Paper Mill we provide wastewater treatment and regular maintenance services at an industrial wastewater treatment plant. Wastewater treatment produces paper sludge in an annual volume of 5,000-6,000 tonnes. Paper sludge is handed over for further use to Luka Koper d.d. and Termit d.d., where they are used in their activities. At Luka Koper, paper sludge is used to cover the coal landfill, which prevents coal dust from rising. At Termit, paper sludge is used to make the soil that they use to cover or repair the open dig sites.
Biodegradable waste is used in biogas plants to produce electricity, heat and quality fertilizer.