Lizika Jančar student dormitory in Maribor undergoes energy renovation

On Tuesday 28 January the freshly and beautifully renovated Lizika Jančar student dormitory in Maribor was officially opened. This was the first comprehensive renovation of the dormitory in 42 years, covering the façade, the fixtures and furnishings, the boiler installation and the roof. The energy renovation project, which cost EUR 1.6 million and lasted from June to October 2019, was carried out as part of a public-private partnership project.

In 1977 Lizika Jančar was the most modern dormitory in Yugoslavia and the only single-sex girls’ dormitory in Maribor. Today, it functions as a dormitory for both girls and boys and, since Tuesday 28 January, has been officially recognised as a fully energy-renovated building.

The project, which took place between June and October 2019, involved the renovation of the entire envelope of the building with thermal insulation, the replacement of the fixtures and furnishings, and insulation of the roof and the ceiling above the unheated basement. At the same time, the outdated fuel oil boiler installation was dismantled and the building was connected to Energetika Maribor’s district heating system with the installation of a modern substation for heating and hot water. Thermostat switches were installed and hydraulic balancing performed to ensure the even distribution of heat around the building. The lighting was renovated with the incorporation of energy-efficient LED light sources, and an energy management scheme was introduced to ensure a reduction in overall energy consumption.

The project cost EUR 1.5 million, with Petrol, as the private partner, contributing EUR 780,000 of this figure. The concession has been awarded for 15 years, and the energy renovation will save 510 megawatt hours of electricity and heating. “In financial terms, this means savings of EUR 94,000 a year. In terms of the environmental parameters, this is a reduction of 150 tons in carbon emissions into the atmosphere – equivalent to the amount absorbed annually by 6,700 trees,” explained Jože Torkar, Petrol’s director of energy solutions in the public and commercial sectors.

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