Petrol donated its food overstock to humanitarian organisations in Slovenia

Temporary suspension of the fresh food catering, served by Petrol in the Fresh bars throughout Slovenia, caused a food overstock, which we donated to humanitarian organisations in Slovenia. 

Nada Drobne Popović, Chairman of the Petrol Board: “Petrol has always supported the promotion of donating food overstock to the socially weakest, by supporting the Food for life humanitarian society. A sustainable circular food economy is nevertheless one of the planet challenges, requiring responsible action from everybody in the chain – from production, logistics, merchandise, to consumers. This also applies to Petrol, where we try to keep the excess of food to the minimum in the course of our regular operations.”

We donated the food to the Civil protection in Postojna and Kranj, where they distributed it among the homeless and elderly, who have food delivered daily, to the Red Cross in Brežice, where they distributed the food with their parcels for those in need, to the Posavje Social work centre, the office in Krško, where they distributed the food among the Homeless hostel, the Crisis centre for children and adolescents and Safe house for domestic violence victims, Maternity home in Maribor, where mothers with underaged children, pregnant women and women in personal distress reside, having no other accommodation, and to the Crisis centre for adolescents in Celje, where they offer help to children and underaged adolescents.

Robert Bizjak, Director of Petrol Sales: “We donated the food to all the humanitarian organisations from our heart and carefully, with all the safety measures, with a kind word and smiles on our faces, wishing them all to stay safe and well. Our donations came into the right hands. Food is energy for life.”


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