We have been recertified as a Family Friendly Enterprise

Ekvilib Institute, the holder of the Family Friendly Enterprise certification process, celebrated the 15th anniversary of the certificate on Monday, 16 May. They took this opportunity to award certificates to new companies and organisations, with 8 companies receiving the basic certificate and 12 receiving the full certificate. Petrol was given a special recognition award on the verification of the full certificate. Zoran Gračner, Member of the Management Board and Labour Director, accepted the award.

On receiving the award, Zoran Gračner said: “As the Labour Director, I will do my utmost to build on the good balancing of work and family life at Petrol, as is already evident from the Family Friendly Enterprise certificate. Petrol is the largest employer to have achieved this certification in 2011, which is something we can all be proud of, as we have joined the second generation of the certification. Considering that this project includes all employees, I encourage you, in dialogue with the management, to send me any suggestions you may have to build on the certification already obtained and thus ensure an even better work-life balance.”

The Ekvilib Institute has been awarding the Family Friendly Enterprise certificate in cooperation with the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities since 2007. Since the first certificates were awarded 15 years ago, the number of companies that have taken part in the process has exceeded 300. Aleš Kranjc Kušlan, Director of the Ekvilib Institute and Head of Certification: “Throughout these 15 years, our mission has been to offer companies and organisations a tool for better collaboration with their employees. A tool for introducing a culture of work-life balance and generally building a work environment where employees feel good, where they are valued, where they can grow both professionally and personally, where they feel safe and where they can contribute to a better life. Naturally, certification is not a magic wand that you wave and suddenly everything is wonderful, but I believe it is an important tile in the mosaic of a quality work environment and organisational culture. We want to establish an organisational culture and management style that sees employees as whole beings – creatures that bring not only their minds and hands to the workplace, but also their hearts.”

We have been recertified as a Family Friendly Enterprise

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